OpenJDK 16

jdk.ActiveRecording Event

Label: Flight Recording
Categories: Flight Recorder

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
duration long Timespan
eventThread Thread Thread in which event was committed in
stackTrace StackTrace Stack Trace starting from the method the event was committed in
id long
name String
destination String
maxAge long Timespan
flushInterval long Timespan
maxSize long DataAmount
recordingStart long Timestamp
recordingDuration long Timespan

jdk.ActiveSetting Event

Label: Recording Setting
Categories: Flight Recorder

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
duration long Timespan
eventThread Thread Thread in which event was committed in
stackTrace StackTrace Stack Trace starting from the method the event was committed in
id long
name String
value String

jdk.AllocationRequiringGC Event

Label: Allocation Requiring GC
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, GC, Detailed

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
eventThread Thread Thread in which event was committed in
stackTrace StackTrace Stack Trace starting from the method the event was committed in
gcId int Unsigned
size long Unsigned

jdk.BiasedLockClassRevocation Event

Label: Biased Lock Class Revocation
Description: Revoked biases for all instances of a class
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, Runtime

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
duration long Timespan
eventThread Thread Thread in which event was committed in
stackTrace StackTrace Stack Trace starting from the method the event was committed in
revokedClass Class Class whose biased locks were revoked
disableBiasing boolean Whether further biasing for instances of this class will be allowed
safepointId long Unsigned

jdk.BiasedLockRevocation Event

Label: Biased Lock Revocation
Description: Revoked bias of object
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, Runtime

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
duration long Timespan
eventThread Thread Thread in which event was committed in
stackTrace StackTrace Stack Trace starting from the method the event was committed in
lockClass Class Class of object whose biased lock was revoked
safepointId long Unsigned
previousOwner Thread Thread owning the bias before revocation

jdk.BiasedLockSelfRevocation Event

Label: Biased Lock Self Revocation
Description: Revoked bias of object biased towards own thread
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, Runtime

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
duration long Timespan
eventThread Thread Thread in which event was committed in
stackTrace StackTrace Stack Trace starting from the method the event was committed in
lockClass Class Class of object whose biased lock was revoked

jdk.BooleanFlag Event

Label: Boolean Flag
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, Flag

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
name String
value boolean
origin String

jdk.BooleanFlagChanged Event

Label: Boolean Flag Changed
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, Flag

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
name String
oldValue boolean
newValue boolean
origin String

jdk.CPUInformation Event

Label: CPU Information
Categories: Operating System, Processor

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
cpu String
description String
sockets int Unsigned
cores int Unsigned
hwThreads int Unsigned

jdk.CPULoad Event

Label: CPU Load
Description: OS CPU Load
Categories: Operating System, Processor

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
jvmUser float Percentage
jvmSystem float Percentage
machineTotal float Percentage

jdk.CPUTimeStampCounter Event

Label: CPU Time Stamp Counter
Categories: Operating System, Processor

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
fastTimeEnabled boolean
fastTimeAutoEnabled boolean
osFrequency long Frequency
fastTimeFrequency long Frequency

jdk.ClassDefine Event

Label: Class Define
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, Class Loading

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
eventThread Thread Thread in which event was committed in
stackTrace StackTrace Stack Trace starting from the method the event was committed in
definedClass Class
definingClassLoader ClassLoader

jdk.ClassLoad Event

Label: Class Load
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, Class Loading

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
duration long Timespan
eventThread Thread Thread in which event was committed in
stackTrace StackTrace Stack Trace starting from the method the event was committed in
loadedClass Class
definingClassLoader ClassLoader
initiatingClassLoader ClassLoader

jdk.ClassLoaderStatistics Event

Label: Class Loader Statistics
Categories: Java Application, Statistics

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
classLoader ClassLoader
parentClassLoader ClassLoader
classLoaderData long Unsigned Pointer to the ClassLoaderData structure in the JVM
classCount long Number of loaded classes
chunkSize long Unsigned Total size of all allocated metaspace chunks (each chunk has several blocks)
blockSize long Unsigned Total size of all allocated metaspace blocks (each chunk has several blocks)
hiddenClassCount long Number of hidden classes
hiddenChunkSize long Unsigned Total size of all allocated metaspace chunks for hidden classes (each chunk has several blocks)
hiddenBlockSize long Unsigned Total size of all allocated metaspace blocks for hidden classes (each chunk has several blocks)

jdk.ClassLoadingStatistics Event

Label: Class Loading Statistics
Categories: Java Application, Statistics

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
loadedClassCount long Number of classes loaded since JVM start
unloadedClassCount long Number of classes unloaded since JVM start

jdk.ClassRedefinition Event

Label: Class Redefinition
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, Class Loading

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
redefinedClass Class
classModificationCount int The number of times the class has changed
redefinitionId long Unsigned

jdk.ClassUnload Event

Label: Class Unload
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, Class Loading

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
eventThread Thread Thread in which event was committed in
unloadedClass Class
definingClassLoader ClassLoader

jdk.CodeCacheConfiguration Event

Label: Code Cache Configuration
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, Code Cache

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
initialSize long Unsigned
reservedSize long Unsigned
nonNMethodSize long Unsigned
profiledSize long Unsigned
nonProfiledSize long Unsigned
expansionSize long Unsigned
minBlockLength long Unsigned
startAddress long Unsigned
reservedTopAddress long Unsigned

jdk.CodeCacheFull Event

Label: Code Cache Full
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, Code Cache

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
eventThread Thread Thread in which event was committed in
codeBlobType String
startAddress long Unsigned
commitedTopAddress long Unsigned
reservedTopAddress long Unsigned
entryCount int
methodCount int
adaptorCount int
unallocatedCapacity long Unsigned
fullCount int

jdk.CodeCacheStatistics Event

Label: Code Cache Statistics
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, Code Cache

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
codeBlobType String
startAddress long Unsigned
reservedTopAddress long Unsigned
entryCount int
methodCount int
adaptorCount int
unallocatedCapacity long Unsigned
fullCount int

jdk.CodeSweeperConfiguration Event

Label: Code Sweeper Configuration
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, Code Sweeper

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
sweeperEnabled boolean
flushingEnabled boolean
sweepThreshold long Unsigned

jdk.CodeSweeperStatistics Event

Label: Code Sweeper Statistics
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, Code Sweeper

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
sweepCount int
methodReclaimedCount int
totalSweepTime long Unsigned
peakFractionTime long Unsigned
peakSweepTime long Unsigned

jdk.Compilation Event

Label: Compilation
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, Compiler

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
duration long Timespan
eventThread Thread Thread in which event was committed in
compileId int Unsigned
compiler String
method Method
compileLevel short Unsigned
succeded boolean
isOsr boolean
codeSize long Unsigned
inlinedBytes long Unsigned

jdk.CompilationFailure Event

Label: Compilation Failure
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, Compiler

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
eventThread Thread Thread in which event was committed in
failureMessage String
compileId int Unsigned

jdk.CompilerConfiguration Event

Label: Compiler Configuration
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, Compiler

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
threadCount int
tieredCompilation boolean

jdk.CompilerInlining Event

Label: Method Inlining
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, Compiler, Optimization

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
eventThread Thread Thread in which event was committed in
compileId int Unsigned
caller Method
callee CalleeMethod
succeeded boolean
message String
bci int

jdk.CompilerPhase Event

Label: Compiler Phase
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, Compiler

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
duration long Timespan
eventThread Thread Thread in which event was committed in
phase String
compileId int Unsigned
phaseLevel short Unsigned

jdk.CompilerStatistics Event

Label: Compiler Statistics
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, Compiler

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
compileCount int
bailoutCount int
invalidatedCount int
osrCompileCount int
standardCompileCount int
osrBytesCompiled long Unsigned
standardBytesCompiled long Unsigned
nmethodsSize long Unsigned
nmethodCodeSize long Unsigned
peakTimeSpent long Timespan
totalTimeSpent long Timespan

jdk.ConcurrentModeFailure Event

Label: Concurrent Mode Failure
Description: Concurrent Mode failed
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, GC, Detailed

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
gcId int Unsigned

jdk.DataLoss Event

Label: Data Loss
Description: Data could not be copied out from a buffer, typically because of contention
Categories: Flight Recorder

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
amount long Unsigned Amount lost data
total long Unsigned Total lost amount for thread

jdk.Deoptimization Event

Label: Deoptimization
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, Compiler

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
eventThread Thread Thread in which event was committed in
stackTrace StackTrace Stack Trace starting from the method the event was committed in
compileId int Unsigned
compiler String
method Method
lineNumber int
bci int
instruction String
reason String
action String

jdk.DirectBufferStatistics Event

Label: Direct Buffer Statistics
Description: Statistics of direct buffer
Categories: Java Application, Statistics

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
duration long Timespan
eventThread Thread Thread in which event was committed in
stackTrace StackTrace Stack Trace starting from the method the event was committed in
maxCapacity long DataAmount Maximum direct buffer capacity the process can use
count long
totalCapacity long DataAmount
memoryUsed long DataAmount

jdk.DoubleFlag Event

Label: Double Flag
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, Flag

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
name String
value double
origin String

jdk.DoubleFlagChanged Event

Label: Double Flag Changed
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, Flag

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
name String
oldValue double
newValue double
origin String

jdk.DumpReason Event

Label: Recording Reason
Description: Who requested the recording and why
Categories: Flight Recorder

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
reason String Reason for writing recording data to disk
recordingId int Id of the recording that triggered the dump, or -1 if it was not related to a recording

jdk.EvacuationFailed Event

Label: Evacuation Failed
Description: Evacuation of an object failed
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, GC, Detailed

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
gcId int Unsigned
evacuationFailed CopyFailed

jdk.EvacuationInformation Event

Label: Evacuation Information
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, GC, Detailed

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
gcId int Unsigned
cSetRegions int Unsigned
cSetUsedBefore long Unsigned Memory usage before GC in the collection set regions
cSetUsedAfter long Unsigned Memory usage after GC in the collection set regions
allocationRegions int Unsigned Regions chosen as allocation regions during evacuation (includes survivors and old space regions)
allocationRegionsUsedBefore long Unsigned Memory usage before GC in allocation regions
allocationRegionsUsedAfter long Unsigned Memory usage after GC in allocation regions
bytesCopied long Unsigned
regionsFreed int Unsigned

jdk.ExceptionStatistics Event

Label: Exception Statistics
Description: Number of objects derived from java.lang.Throwable that have been created
Categories: Java Application, Statistics

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
duration long Timespan
eventThread Thread Thread in which event was committed in
stackTrace StackTrace Stack Trace starting from the method the event was committed in
throwables long

jdk.ExecuteVMOperation Event

Label: VM Operation
Description: Execution of a VM Operation
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, Runtime

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
duration long Timespan
eventThread Thread Thread in which event was committed in
operation String
safepoint boolean If the operation occured at a safepoint
blocking boolean If the calling thread was blocked until the operation was complete
caller Thread Thread requesting operation. If non-blocking, will be set to 0 indicating thread is unknown
safepointId long Unsigned The safepoint (if any) under which this operation was completed

jdk.ExecutionSample Event

Label: Method Profiling Sample
Description: Snapshot of a threads state
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, Profiling

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
sampledThread Thread
stackTrace StackTrace
state String

jdk.FileForce Event

Label: File Force
Description: Force updates to be written to file
Categories: Java Application

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
duration long Timespan
eventThread Thread Thread in which event was committed in
stackTrace StackTrace Stack Trace starting from the method the event was committed in
path String Full path of the file
metaData boolean Whether the file metadata is updated

jdk.FileRead Event

Label: File Read
Description: Reading data from a file
Categories: Java Application

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
duration long Timespan
eventThread Thread Thread in which event was committed in
stackTrace StackTrace Stack Trace starting from the method the event was committed in
path String Full path of the file
bytesRead long DataAmount Number of bytes read from the file (possibly 0)
endOfFile boolean If end of file was reached

jdk.FileWrite Event

Label: File Write
Description: Writing data to a file
Categories: Java Application

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
duration long Timespan
eventThread Thread Thread in which event was committed in
stackTrace StackTrace Stack Trace starting from the method the event was committed in
path String Full path of the file
bytesWritten long DataAmount Number of bytes written to the file

jdk.Flush Event

Label: Flush
Categories: Flight Recorder

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
duration long Timespan
flushId long Unsigned
elements long Unsigned
size long Unsigned

jdk.G1AdaptiveIHOP Event

Label: G1 Adaptive IHOP Statistics
Description: Statistics related to current adaptive IHOP calculation
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, GC, Detailed

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
gcId int Unsigned
threshold long Unsigned Current IHOP Threshold
thresholdPercentage float Percentage Current IHOP threshold in percent of the internal target occupancy
ihopTargetOccupancy long Unsigned Internal target old generation occupancy to reach at the start of mixed GC
currentOccupancy long Unsigned Current old generation occupancy
additionalBufferSize long Unsigned Additional buffer size
predictedAllocationRate double DataAmount Current predicted allocation rate for the mutator in bytes/second
predictedMarkingDuration long Timespan Current predicted time from the end of the last concurrent start to the first mixed GC
predictionActive boolean Indicates whether the adaptive IHOP prediction is active

jdk.G1BasicIHOP Event

Label: G1 Basic IHOP Statistics
Description: Basic statistics related to current IHOP calculation
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, GC, Detailed

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
gcId int Unsigned
threshold long Unsigned Current IHOP threshold
thresholdPercentage float Percentage Current IHOP threshold in percent of old generation
targetOccupancy long Unsigned Target old generation occupancy to reach at the start of mixed GC
currentOccupancy long Unsigned Current old generation occupancy
recentMutatorAllocationSize long Unsigned Mutator allocation during mutator operation in the most recent interval
recentMutatorDuration long Timespan Time the mutator ran in the most recent interval
recentAllocationRate double DataAmount Allocation rate of the mutator in the most recent interval in bytes/second
lastMarkingDuration long Timespan Last time from the end of the last concurrent start to the first mixed GC

jdk.G1EvacuationOldStatistics Event

Label: G1 Evacuation Memory Statistics for Old
Description: Memory related evacuation statistics during GC for the old generation
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, GC, Detailed

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
statistics G1EvacuationStatistics

jdk.G1EvacuationYoungStatistics Event

Label: G1 Evacuation Statistics for Young
Description: Memory related evacuation statistics during GC for the young generation
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, GC, Detailed

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
statistics G1EvacuationStatistics

jdk.G1GarbageCollection Event

Label: G1 Garbage Collection
Description: Extra information specific to G1 Garbage Collections
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, GC, Collector

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
duration long Timespan
gcId int Unsigned
type String

jdk.G1HeapRegionInformation Event

Label: G1 Heap Region Information
Description: Information about a specific heap region in the G1 GC
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, GC, Detailed

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
index int Unsigned
type String
start long Unsigned
used long Unsigned

jdk.G1HeapRegionTypeChange Event

Label: G1 Heap Region Type Change
Description: Information about a G1 heap region type change
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, GC, Detailed

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
index int Unsigned
from String
to String
start long Unsigned
used long Unsigned

jdk.G1HeapSummary Event

Label: G1 Heap Summary
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, GC, Heap

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
gcId int Unsigned
when String
edenUsedSize long Unsigned
edenTotalSize long Unsigned
survivorUsedSize long Unsigned
numberOfRegions int Unsigned

jdk.G1MMU Event

Label: G1 MMU Information
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, GC, Detailed

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
gcId int Unsigned
timeSlice long Timespan Time slice used to calculate MMU
gcTime long Timespan Time stopped because of GC during last time slice
pauseTarget long Timespan Max time allowed to be spent on GC during last time slice

jdk.GCConfiguration Event

Label: GC Configuration
Description: The configuration of the garbage collector
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, GC, Configuration

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
youngCollector String The garbage collector used for the young generation
oldCollector String The garbage collector used for the old generation
parallelGCThreads int Unsigned Number of parallel threads to use for garbage collection
concurrentGCThreads int Unsigned Number of concurrent threads to use for garbage collection
usesDynamicGCThreads boolean Whether a dynamic number of GC threads are used or not
isExplicitGCConcurrent boolean Whether System.gc() is concurrent or not
isExplicitGCDisabled boolean Whether System.gc() will cause a garbage collection or not
pauseTarget long Timespan Target for GC pauses
gcTimeRatio int Unsigned Target for runtime vs garbage collection time

jdk.GCHeapConfiguration Event

Label: GC Heap Configuration
Description: The configuration of the garbage collected heap
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, GC, Configuration

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
minSize long Unsigned
maxSize long Unsigned
initialSize long Unsigned
usesCompressedOops boolean If compressed Oops (Ordinary Object Pointers) are enabled
compressedOopsMode String The kind of compressed oops being used
objectAlignment long Unsigned Object alignment (in bytes) on the heap
heapAddressBits byte Unsigned Heap Address Size (in bits)

jdk.GCHeapSummary Event

Label: Heap Summary
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, GC, Heap

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
gcId int Unsigned
when String
heapSpace VirtualSpace
heapUsed long Unsigned Bytes allocated by objects in the heap

jdk.GCPhaseConcurrent Event

Label: GC Phase Concurrent
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, GC, Phases

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
duration long Timespan
eventThread Thread Thread in which event was committed in
gcId int Unsigned
name String

jdk.GCPhaseConcurrentLevel1 Event

Label: GC Phase Concurrent Level 1
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, GC, Phases

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
duration long Timespan
eventThread Thread Thread in which event was committed in
gcId int Unsigned
name String

jdk.GCPhaseParallel Event

Label: GC Phase Parallel
Description: GC phases for parallel workers
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, GC, Phases

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
duration long Timespan
eventThread Thread Thread in which event was committed in
gcId int Unsigned
gcWorkerId int Unsigned
name String

jdk.GCPhasePause Event

Label: GC Phase Pause
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, GC, Phases

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
duration long Timespan
eventThread Thread Thread in which event was committed in
gcId int Unsigned
name String

jdk.GCPhasePauseLevel1 Event

Label: GC Phase Pause Level 1
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, GC, Phases

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
duration long Timespan
eventThread Thread Thread in which event was committed in
gcId int Unsigned
name String

jdk.GCPhasePauseLevel2 Event

Label: GC Phase Pause Level 2
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, GC, Phases

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
duration long Timespan
eventThread Thread Thread in which event was committed in
gcId int Unsigned
name String

jdk.GCPhasePauseLevel3 Event

Label: GC Phase Pause Level 3
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, GC, Phases

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
duration long Timespan
eventThread Thread Thread in which event was committed in
gcId int Unsigned
name String

jdk.GCPhasePauseLevel4 Event

Label: GC Phase Pause Level 4
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, GC, Phases

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
duration long Timespan
eventThread Thread Thread in which event was committed in
gcId int Unsigned
name String

jdk.GCReferenceStatistics Event

Label: GC Reference Statistics
Description: Total count of processed references during GC
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, GC, Reference

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
gcId int Unsigned
type String
count long Unsigned

jdk.GCSurvivorConfiguration Event

Label: GC Survivor Configuration
Description: The configuration of the survivors of garbage collection
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, GC, Configuration

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
maxTenuringThreshold byte Unsigned Upper limit for the age of how old objects to keep in the survivor area
initialTenuringThreshold byte Unsigned Initial age limit for how old objects to keep in survivor area

jdk.GCTLABConfiguration Event

Label: TLAB Configuration
Description: The configuration of the Thread Local Allocation Buffers (TLABs)
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, GC, Configuration

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
usesTLABs boolean If Thread Local Allocation Buffers (TLABs) are in use
minTLABSize long Unsigned
tlabRefillWasteLimit long Unsigned

jdk.GarbageCollection Event

Label: Garbage Collection
Description: Garbage collection performed by the JVM
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, GC, Collector

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
duration long Timespan
gcId int Unsigned
name String The name of the Garbage Collector
cause String The reason for triggering this Garbage Collection
sumOfPauses long Unsigned Sum of all the times in which Java execution was paused during the garbage collection
longestPause long Unsigned Longest individual pause during the garbage collection

jdk.HeapDump Event

Label: Heap Dump
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, Diagnostics

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
duration long Timespan
eventThread Thread Thread in which event was committed in
stackTrace StackTrace Stack Trace starting from the method the event was committed in
destination String
size long
gcBeforeDump boolean
onOutOfMemoryError boolean

jdk.InitialEnvironmentVariable Event

Label: Initial Environment Variable
Categories: Operating System

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
key String
value String

jdk.InitialSystemProperty Event

Label: Initial System Property
Description: System Property at JVM start
Categories: Java Virtual Machine

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
key String
value String

jdk.IntFlag Event

Label: Int Flag
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, Flag

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
name String
value int
origin String

jdk.IntFlagChanged Event

Label: Int Flag Changed
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, Flag

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
name String
oldValue int
newValue int
origin String

jdk.JVMInformation Event

Label: JVM Information
Description: Description of JVM and the Java application
Categories: Java Virtual Machine

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
jvmName String
jvmVersion String
jvmArguments String
jvmFlags String
javaArguments String
jvmStartTime long Timestamp
pid long

jdk.JavaErrorThrow Event

Label: Java Error
Description: An object derived from java.lang.Error has been created. OutOfMemoryErrors are ignored
Categories: Java Application

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
duration long Timespan
eventThread Thread Thread in which event was committed in
stackTrace StackTrace Stack Trace starting from the method the event was committed in
message String
thrownClass Class

jdk.JavaExceptionThrow Event

Label: Java Exception
Description: An object derived from java.lang.Exception has been created
Categories: Java Application

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
duration long Timespan
eventThread Thread Thread in which event was committed in
stackTrace StackTrace Stack Trace starting from the method the event was committed in
message String
thrownClass Class

jdk.JavaMonitorEnter Event

Label: Java Monitor Blocked
Categories: Java Application

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
duration long Timespan
eventThread Thread Thread in which event was committed in
stackTrace StackTrace Stack Trace starting from the method the event was committed in
monitorClass Class
previousOwner Thread
address long Unsigned

jdk.JavaMonitorInflate Event

Label: Java Monitor Inflated
Categories: Java Application

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
duration long Timespan
eventThread Thread Thread in which event was committed in
stackTrace StackTrace Stack Trace starting from the method the event was committed in
monitorClass Class
address long Unsigned
cause String Cause of inflation

jdk.JavaMonitorWait Event

Label: Java Monitor Wait
Description: Waiting on a Java monitor
Categories: Java Application

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
duration long Timespan
eventThread Thread Thread in which event was committed in
stackTrace StackTrace Stack Trace starting from the method the event was committed in
monitorClass Class Class of object waited on
notifier Thread Notifying Thread
timeout long Timespan Maximum wait time
timedOut boolean Wait has been timed out
address long Unsigned Address of object waited on

jdk.JavaThreadStatistics Event

Label: Java Thread Statistics
Categories: Java Application, Statistics

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
activeCount long Number of live active threads including both daemon and non-daemon threads
daemonCount long Number of live daemon threads
accumulatedCount long Number of threads created and also started since JVM start
peakCount long Peak live thread count since JVM start or when peak count was reset

jdk.LoaderConstraintsTableStatistics Event

Label: Loader Constraints Table Statistics
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, Runtime, Tables

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
bucketCount long Unsigned
entryCount long Unsigned Number of all entries
totalFootprint long Unsigned Total memory footprint (the table itself plus all of the entries)
bucketCountMaximum long Unsigned The maximum bucket length (entries in a single bucket)
bucketCountAverage float The average bucket length
bucketCountVariance float How far bucket lengths are spread out from their average value
bucketCountStandardDeviation float How far bucket lengths are spread out from their mean (expected) value
insertionRate float How many items were added since last event (per second)
removalRate float How many items were removed since last event (per second)

jdk.LongFlag Event

Label: Long Flag
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, Flag

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
name String
value long
origin String

jdk.LongFlagChanged Event

Label: Long Flag Changed
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, Flag

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
name String
oldValue long
newValue long
origin String

jdk.MetaspaceAllocationFailure Event

Label: Metaspace Allocation Failure
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, GC, Metaspace

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
stackTrace StackTrace Stack Trace starting from the method the event was committed in
classLoader ClassLoader
hiddenClassLoader boolean
size long Unsigned
metadataType String
metaspaceObjectType String

jdk.MetaspaceChunkFreeListSummary Event

Label: Metaspace Chunk Free List Summary
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, GC, Metaspace

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
gcId int Unsigned
when String
metadataType String
specializedChunks long Unsigned
specializedChunksTotalSize long Unsigned
smallChunks long Unsigned
smallChunksTotalSize long Unsigned
mediumChunks long Unsigned
mediumChunksTotalSize long Unsigned
humongousChunks long Unsigned
humongousChunksTotalSize long Unsigned

jdk.MetaspaceGCThreshold Event

Label: Metaspace GC Threshold
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, GC, Metaspace

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
oldValue long Unsigned
newValue long Unsigned
updater String

jdk.MetaspaceOOM Event

Label: Metaspace Out of Memory
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, GC, Metaspace

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
stackTrace StackTrace Stack Trace starting from the method the event was committed in
classLoader ClassLoader
hiddenClassLoader boolean
size long Unsigned
metadataType String
metaspaceObjectType String

jdk.MetaspaceSummary Event

Label: Metaspace Summary
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, GC, Heap

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
gcId int Unsigned
when String
gcThreshold long Unsigned
metaspace MetaspaceSizes
dataSpace MetaspaceSizes
classSpace MetaspaceSizes

jdk.ModuleExport Event

Label: Module Export
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, Runtime, Modules

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
exportedPackage Package
targetModule Module Module to which the package is qualifiedly exported. If null or N/A, the package is unqualifiedly exported

jdk.ModuleRequire Event

Label: Module Require
Description: A directed edge representing a dependency
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, Runtime, Modules

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
source Module
requiredModule Module

jdk.NativeLibrary Event

Label: Native Library
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, Runtime

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
name String
baseAddress long Unsigned Starting address of the module
topAddress long Unsigned Ending address of the module

jdk.NativeMethodSample Event

Label: Method Profiling Sample Native
Description: Snapshot of a threads state when in native
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, Profiling

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
sampledThread Thread
stackTrace StackTrace
state String

jdk.NetworkUtilization Event

Label: Network Utilization
Categories: Operating System, Network

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
networkInterface String Network Interface Name
readRate long DataAmount Number of incoming bits per second
writeRate long DataAmount Number of outgoing bits per second

jdk.OSInformation Event

Label: OS Information
Categories: Operating System

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
osVersion String

jdk.ObjectAllocationInNewTLAB Event

Label: Allocation in new TLAB
Description: Allocation in new Thread Local Allocation Buffer
Categories: Java Application

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
eventThread Thread Thread in which event was committed in
stackTrace StackTrace Stack Trace starting from the method the event was committed in
objectClass Class Class of allocated object
allocationSize long Unsigned
tlabSize long Unsigned

jdk.ObjectAllocationOutsideTLAB Event

Label: Allocation outside TLAB
Description: Allocation outside Thread Local Allocation Buffers
Categories: Java Application

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
eventThread Thread Thread in which event was committed in
stackTrace StackTrace Stack Trace starting from the method the event was committed in
objectClass Class Class of allocated object
allocationSize long Unsigned

jdk.ObjectAllocationSample Event New!

Label: Object Allocation Sample
Categories: Java Application

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
eventThread Thread Thread in which event was committed in
stackTrace StackTrace Stack Trace starting from the method the event was committed in
objectClass Class Class of allocated object
weight long DataAmount The relative weight of the sample. Aggregating the weights for a large number of samples, for a particular class, thread or stack trace, gives a statistically accurate representation of the allocation pressure

jdk.ObjectCount Event

Label: Object Count
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, GC, Detailed

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
gcId int Unsigned
objectClass Class
count long
totalSize long Unsigned

jdk.ObjectCountAfterGC Event

Label: Object Count after GC
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, GC, Detailed

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
gcId int Unsigned
objectClass Class
count long
totalSize long Unsigned

jdk.OldGarbageCollection Event

Label: Old Garbage Collection
Description: Extra information specific to Old Garbage Collections
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, GC, Collector

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
duration long Timespan
gcId int Unsigned

jdk.OldObjectSample Event

Label: Old Object Sample
Description: A potential memory leak
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, Profiling

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
duration long Timespan
eventThread Thread Thread in which event was committed in
stackTrace StackTrace Stack Trace starting from the method the event was committed in
allocationTime long Unsigned
objectAge long Unsigned
lastKnownHeapUsage long Unsigned
object OldObject
arrayElements int If the object is an array, the number of elements, or -1 if it is not an array
root OldObjectGcRoot

jdk.PSHeapSummary Event

Label: Parallel Scavenge Heap Summary
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, GC, Heap

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
gcId int Unsigned
when String
oldSpace VirtualSpace
oldObjectSpace ObjectSpace
youngSpace VirtualSpace
edenSpace ObjectSpace
fromSpace ObjectSpace
toSpace ObjectSpace

jdk.ParallelOldGarbageCollection Event

Label: Parallel Old Garbage Collection
Description: Extra information specific to Parallel Old Garbage Collections
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, GC, Collector

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
duration long Timespan
gcId int Unsigned
densePrefix long Unsigned The address of the dense prefix, used when compacting

jdk.PhysicalMemory Event

Label: Physical Memory
Description: OS Physical Memory
Categories: Operating System, Memory

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
totalSize long Unsigned Total amount of physical memory available to OS
usedSize long Unsigned Total amount of physical memory in use

jdk.PlaceholderTableStatistics Event

Label: Placeholder Table Statistics
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, Runtime, Tables

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
bucketCount long Unsigned Number of buckets
entryCount long Unsigned Number of all entries
totalFootprint long Unsigned Total memory footprint (the table itself plus all of the entries)
bucketCountMaximum long Unsigned The maximum bucket length (entries in a single bucket)
bucketCountAverage float The average bucket length
bucketCountVariance float How far bucket lengths are spread out from their average value
bucketCountStandardDeviation float How far bucket lengths are spread out from their mean (expected) value
insertionRate float How many items were added since last event (per second)
removalRate float How many items were removed since last event (per second)

jdk.ProcessStart Event

Label: Process Start
Description: Operating system process started
Categories: Operating System

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
duration long Timespan
eventThread Thread Thread in which event was committed in
stackTrace StackTrace Stack Trace starting from the method the event was committed in
pid long
directory String
command String

jdk.PromoteObjectInNewPLAB Event

Label: Promotion in new PLAB
Description: Object survived scavenge and was copied to a new Promotion Local Allocation Buffer (PLAB). Supported GCs are Parallel Scavange, G1 and CMS with Parallel New. Due to promotion being done in parallel an object might be reported multiple times as the GC threads race to copy all objects.
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, GC, Detailed

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
eventThread Thread Thread in which event was committed in
gcId int Unsigned Identifier signifying GC during which the object was promoted
objectClass Class Class of promoted object
objectSize long Unsigned Size of promoted object
tenuringAge int Unsigned Tenuring age of a surviving object before being copied. The tenuring age of an object is a value between 0-15 and is incremented each scavange the object survives. Newly allocated objects have tenuring age 0.
tenured boolean True if object was promoted to Old space, otherwise the object was aged and copied to a Survivor space
plabSize long Unsigned Size of the allocated PLAB to which the object was copied

jdk.PromoteObjectOutsidePLAB Event

Label: Promotion outside PLAB
Description: Object survived scavenge and was copied directly to the heap. Supported GCs are Parallel Scavange, G1 and CMS with Parallel New. Due to promotion being done in parallel an object might be reported multiple times as the GC threads race to copy all objects.
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, GC, Detailed

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
eventThread Thread Thread in which event was committed in
gcId int Unsigned Identifier signifying GC during which the object was promoted
objectClass Class Class of promoted object
objectSize long Unsigned Size of promoted object
tenuringAge int Unsigned Tenuring age of a surviving object before being copied. The tenuring age of an object is a value between 0-15 and is incremented each scavange the object survives. Newly allocated objects have tenuring age 0.
tenured boolean True if object was promoted to Old space, otherwise the object was aged and copied to a Survivor space

jdk.PromotionFailed Event

Label: Promotion Failed
Description: Promotion of an object failed
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, GC, Detailed

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
gcId int Unsigned
promotionFailed CopyFailed
thread Thread

jdk.ProtectionDomainCacheTableStatistics Event

Label: Protection Domain Cache Table Statistics
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, Runtime, Tables

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
bucketCount long Unsigned Number of buckets
entryCount long Unsigned Number of all entries
totalFootprint long Unsigned Total memory footprint (the table itself plus all of the entries)
bucketCountMaximum long Unsigned The maximum bucket length (entries in a single bucket)
bucketCountAverage float The average bucket length
bucketCountVariance float How far bucket lengths are spread out from their average value
bucketCountStandardDeviation float How far bucket lengths are spread out from their mean (expected) value
insertionRate float How many items were added since last event (per second)
removalRate float How many items were removed since last event (per second)

jdk.RedefineClasses Event

Label: Redefine Classes
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, Class Loading

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
duration long Timespan
eventThread Thread Thread in which event was committed in
stackTrace StackTrace Stack Trace starting from the method the event was committed in
classCount int
redefinitionId long Unsigned

jdk.ReservedStackActivation Event

Label: Reserved Stack Activation
Description: Activation of Reserved Stack Area caused by stack overflow with ReservedStackAccess annotated method in call stack
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, Runtime

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
eventThread Thread Thread in which event was committed in
stackTrace StackTrace Stack Trace starting from the method the event was committed in
method Method

jdk.RetransformClasses Event

Label: Retransform Classes
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, Class Loading

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
duration long Timespan
eventThread Thread Thread in which event was committed in
stackTrace StackTrace Stack Trace starting from the method the event was committed in
classCount int
redefinitionId long Unsigned

jdk.SafepointBegin Event

Label: Safepoint Begin
Description: Safepointing begin
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, Runtime, Safepoint

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
duration long Timespan
eventThread Thread Thread in which event was committed in
safepointId long Unsigned
totalThreadCount int The total number of threads at the start of safe point
jniCriticalThreadCount int The number of threads in JNI critical sections

jdk.SafepointCleanup Event

Label: Safepoint Cleanup
Description: Safepointing begin running cleanup tasks
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, Runtime, Safepoint

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
duration long Timespan
eventThread Thread Thread in which event was committed in
safepointId long Unsigned

jdk.SafepointCleanupTask Event

Label: Safepoint Cleanup Task
Description: Safepointing begin running cleanup tasks
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, Runtime, Safepoint

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
duration long Timespan
eventThread Thread Thread in which event was committed in
safepointId long Unsigned
name String The task name

jdk.SafepointEnd Event

Label: Safepoint End
Description: Safepointing end
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, Runtime, Safepoint

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
duration long Timespan
eventThread Thread Thread in which event was committed in
safepointId long Unsigned

jdk.SafepointStateSynchronization Event

Label: Safepoint State Synchronization
Description: Synchronize run state of threads
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, Runtime, Safepoint

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
duration long Timespan
eventThread Thread Thread in which event was committed in
safepointId long Unsigned
initialThreadCount int The number of threads running at the beginning of state check
runningThreadCount int The number of threads still running
iterations int Number of state check iterations

jdk.SecurityPropertyModification Event

Label: Security Property Modification
Description: Modification of Security property
Categories: Java Development Kit, Security

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
duration long Timespan
eventThread Thread Thread in which event was committed in
stackTrace StackTrace Stack Trace starting from the method the event was committed in
key String
value String

jdk.ShenandoahHeapRegionInformation Event

Label: Shenandoah Heap Region Information
Description: Information about a specific heap region in the Shenandoah GC
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, GC, Detailed

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
index int Unsigned
state String
start long Unsigned
used long Unsigned

jdk.ShenandoahHeapRegionStateChange Event

Label: Shenandoah Heap Region State Change
Description: Information about a Shenandoah heap region state change
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, GC, Detailed

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
index int Unsigned
from String
to String
start long Unsigned
used long Unsigned

jdk.Shutdown Event

Label: JVM Shutdown
Description: JVM shutting down
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, Runtime

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
eventThread Thread Thread in which event was committed in
stackTrace StackTrace Stack Trace starting from the method the event was committed in
reason String Reason for JVM shutdown

jdk.SocketRead Event

Label: Socket Read
Description: Reading data from a socket
Categories: Java Application

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
duration long Timespan
eventThread Thread Thread in which event was committed in
stackTrace StackTrace Stack Trace starting from the method the event was committed in
host String
address String
port int
timeout long Timespan
bytesRead long DataAmount Number of bytes read from the socket
endOfStream boolean If end of stream was reached

jdk.SocketWrite Event

Label: Socket Write
Description: Writing data to a socket
Categories: Java Application

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
duration long Timespan
eventThread Thread Thread in which event was committed in
stackTrace StackTrace Stack Trace starting from the method the event was committed in
host String
address String
port int
bytesWritten long DataAmount Number of bytes written to the socket

jdk.StringFlag Event

Label: String Flag
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, Flag

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
name String
value String
origin String

jdk.StringFlagChanged Event

Label: String Flag Changed
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, Flag

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
name String
oldValue String
newValue String
origin String

jdk.StringTableStatistics Event

Label: String Table Statistics
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, Runtime, Tables

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
bucketCount long Unsigned Number of buckets
entryCount long Unsigned Number of all entries
totalFootprint long Unsigned Total memory footprint (the table itself plus all of the entries)
bucketCountMaximum long Unsigned The maximum bucket length (entries in a single bucket)
bucketCountAverage float The average bucket length
bucketCountVariance float How far bucket lengths are spread out from their average value
bucketCountStandardDeviation float How far bucket lengths are spread out from their mean (expected) value
insertionRate float How many items were added since last event (per second)
removalRate float How many items were removed since last event (per second)

jdk.SweepCodeCache Event

Label: Sweep Code Cache
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, Code Sweeper

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
duration long Timespan
eventThread Thread Thread in which event was committed in
sweepId int
sweptCount int Unsigned
flushedCount int Unsigned
zombifiedCount int Unsigned

jdk.SymbolTableStatistics Event

Label: Symbol Table Statistics
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, Runtime, Tables

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
bucketCount long Unsigned Number of buckets
entryCount long Unsigned Number of all entries
totalFootprint long Unsigned Total memory footprint (the table itself plus all of the entries)
bucketCountMaximum long Unsigned The maximum bucket length (entries in a single bucket)
bucketCountAverage float The average bucket length
bucketCountVariance float How far bucket lengths are spread out from their average value
bucketCountStandardDeviation float How far bucket lengths are spread out from their mean (expected) value
insertionRate float How many items were added since last event (per second)
removalRate float How many items were removed since last event (per second)

jdk.SyncOnValueBasedClass Event New!

Label: Value Based Class Synchronization
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, Diagnostics

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
eventThread Thread Thread in which event was committed in
stackTrace StackTrace Stack Trace starting from the method the event was committed in
valueBasedClass Class

jdk.SystemProcess Event

Label: System Process
Categories: Operating System

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
pid String
commandLine String

jdk.TLSHandshake Event

Label: TLS Handshake
Description: Parameters used in TLS Handshake
Categories: Java Development Kit, Security

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
duration long Timespan
eventThread Thread Thread in which event was committed in
stackTrace StackTrace Stack Trace starting from the method the event was committed in
peerHost String
peerPort int
protocolVersion String
cipherSuite String
certificateId long Peer Certificate Id

jdk.TenuringDistribution Event

Label: Tenuring Distribution
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, GC, Detailed

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
gcId int Unsigned
age int Unsigned
size long Unsigned

jdk.ThreadAllocationStatistics Event

Label: Thread Allocation Statistics
Categories: Java Application, Statistics

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
allocated long Unsigned Approximate number of bytes allocated since thread start
thread Thread

jdk.ThreadCPULoad Event

Label: Thread CPU Load
Categories: Operating System, Processor

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
eventThread Thread Thread in which event was committed in
user float Percentage User mode thread CPU load
system float Percentage System mode thread CPU load

jdk.ThreadContextSwitchRate Event

Label: Thread Context Switch Rate
Categories: Operating System, Processor

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
switchRate float Frequency Number of context switches per second

jdk.ThreadDump Event

Label: Thread Dump
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, Runtime

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
result String

jdk.ThreadEnd Event

Label: Java Thread End
Categories: Java Application

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
eventThread Thread Thread in which event was committed in
thread Thread

jdk.ThreadPark Event

Label: Java Thread Park
Categories: Java Application

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
duration long Timespan
eventThread Thread Thread in which event was committed in
stackTrace StackTrace Stack Trace starting from the method the event was committed in
parkedClass Class
timeout long Timespan
until long Timestamp
address long Unsigned

jdk.ThreadSleep Event

Label: Java Thread Sleep
Categories: Java Application

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
duration long Timespan
eventThread Thread Thread in which event was committed in
stackTrace StackTrace Stack Trace starting from the method the event was committed in
time long Timespan

jdk.ThreadStart Event

Label: Java Thread Start
Categories: Java Application

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
eventThread Thread Thread in which event was committed in
stackTrace StackTrace Stack Trace starting from the method the event was committed in
thread Thread
parentThread Thread

jdk.UnsignedIntFlag Event

Label: Unsigned Int Flag
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, Flag

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
name String
value int Unsigned
origin String

jdk.UnsignedIntFlagChanged Event

Label: Unsigned Int Flag Changed
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, Flag

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
name String
oldValue int Unsigned
newValue int Unsigned
origin String

jdk.UnsignedLongFlag Event

Label: Unsigned Long Flag
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, Flag

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
name String
value long Unsigned
origin String

jdk.UnsignedLongFlagChanged Event

Label: Unsigned Long Flag Changed
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, Flag

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
name String
oldValue long Unsigned
newValue long Unsigned
origin String

jdk.VirtualizationInformation Event

Label: Virtualization Information
Categories: Operating System

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
name String

jdk.X509Certificate Event

Label: X509 Certificate
Description: Details of X.509 Certificate parsed by JDK
Categories: Java Development Kit, Security

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
duration long Timespan
eventThread Thread Thread in which event was committed in
stackTrace StackTrace Stack Trace starting from the method the event was committed in
algorithm String
serialNumber String
subject String
issuer String
keyType String
keyLength int
certificateId long
validFrom long Timestamp
validUntil long Timestamp

jdk.X509Validation Event

Label: X509 Validation
Description: Serial numbers from X.509 Certificates forming chain of trust
Categories: Java Development Kit, Security

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
duration long Timespan
eventThread Thread Thread in which event was committed in
stackTrace StackTrace Stack Trace starting from the method the event was committed in
certificateId long
certificatePosition int Certificate position in chain of trust, 1 = trust anchor
validationCounter long

jdk.YoungGarbageCollection Event

Label: Young Garbage Collection
Description: Extra information specific to Young Garbage Collections
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, GC, Collector

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
duration long Timespan
gcId int Unsigned
tenuringThreshold int Unsigned

jdk.YoungGenerationConfiguration Event

Label: Young Generation Configuration
Description: The configuration of the young generation of the garbage collected heap
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, GC, Configuration

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
minSize long Unsigned
maxSize long Unsigned
newRatio int Unsigned The size of the young generation relative to the tenured generation

jdk.ZAllocationStall Event

Label: ZGC Allocation Stall
Description: Time spent waiting for memory to become available
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, GC, Detailed

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
duration long Timespan
eventThread Thread Thread in which event was committed in
type String
size long Unsigned

jdk.ZPageAllocation Event

Label: ZGC Page Allocation
Description: Allocation of a ZPage
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, GC, Detailed

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
duration long Timespan
eventThread Thread Thread in which event was committed in
stackTrace StackTrace Stack Trace starting from the method the event was committed in
type String
size long Unsigned
flushed long Unsigned
committed long Unsigned
segments int Unsigned
nonBlocking boolean

jdk.ZRelocationSet Event

Label: ZGC Relocation Set
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, GC, Detailed

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
duration long Timespan
eventThread Thread Thread in which event was committed in
total long Unsigned
empty long Unsigned
relocate New! long Unsigned

jdk.ZRelocationSetGroup Event

Label: ZGC Relocation Set Group
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, GC, Detailed

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
duration long Timespan
eventThread Thread Thread in which event was committed in
type String
pages long Unsigned
total long Unsigned
empty long Unsigned
relocate New! long Unsigned

jdk.ZStatisticsCounter Event

Label: ZGC Statistics Counter
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, GC, Detailed

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
duration long Timespan
eventThread Thread Thread in which event was committed in
id String
increment long Unsigned
value long Unsigned

jdk.ZStatisticsSampler Event

Label: ZGC Statistics Sampler
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, GC, Detailed

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
duration long Timespan
eventThread Thread Thread in which event was committed in
id String
value long Unsigned

jdk.ZThreadPhase Event

Label: ZGC Thread Phase
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, GC, Detailed

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
duration long Timespan
eventThread Thread Thread in which event was committed in
gcId int Unsigned
name String

jdk.ZUncommit Event

Label: ZGC Uncommit
Description: Uncommitting of memory
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, GC, Detailed

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
duration long Timespan
eventThread Thread Thread in which event was committed in
uncommitted long Unsigned

jdk.ZUnmap Event

Label: ZGC Unmap
Description: Unmapping of memory
Categories: Java Virtual Machine, GC, Detailed

Name Type ContentType Description
startTime long Timestamp
duration long Timespan
eventThread Thread Thread in which event was committed in
unmapped long Unsigned

boolean Type


Name Type ContentType Description

byte Type


Name Type ContentType Description

char Type


Name Type ContentType Description

double Type


Name Type ContentType Description

float Type


Name Type ContentType Description

int Type


Name Type ContentType Description

long Type


Name Type ContentType Description

short Type


Name Type ContentType Description

Class Type

Label: Java Class

Name Type ContentType Description
classLoader ClassLoader
name String
package Package
modifiers int
hidden boolean

String Type


Name Type ContentType Description

Thread Type

Label: Thread

Name Type ContentType Description
osName String
osThreadId long
javaName String
javaThreadId long
group ThreadGroup

Bytecode Type

Label: Bytecode Instruction

Name Type ContentType Description
bytecode String

CalleeMethod Type


Name Type ContentType Description
type String
name String
descriptor String

ChunkHeader Type

Label: Chunk Header

Name Type ContentType Description
payload byte

ClassLoader Type

Label: Java Class Loader

Name Type ContentType Description
type Class
name String

CodeBlobType Type

Label: Code Blob Type

Name Type ContentType Description
type String

CompilerPhaseType Type

Label: Compiler Phase Type

Name Type ContentType Description
phase String

CompilerType Type

Label: Compiler Type

Name Type ContentType Description
compiler String

CopyFailed Type


Name Type ContentType Description
objectCount long Unsigned
firstSize long Unsigned
smallestSize long Unsigned
totalSize long Unsigned

DeoptimizationAction Type

Label: Deoptimization Action

Name Type ContentType Description
action String

DeoptimizationReason Type

Label: Deoptimization Reason

Name Type ContentType Description
reason String

FlagValueOrigin Type

Label: Flag Value Origin

Name Type ContentType Description
origin String

FrameType Type

Label: Frame type

Name Type ContentType Description
description String

G1EvacuationStatistics Type


Name Type ContentType Description
gcId int Unsigned
allocated long Unsigned Total memory allocated by PLABs
wasted long Unsigned Total memory wasted within PLABs due to alignment or refill
used long Unsigned Total memory occupied by objects within PLABs
undoWaste long Unsigned Total memory wasted due to allocation undo within PLABs
regionEndWaste long Unsigned Total memory wasted at the end of regions due to refill
regionsRefilled int Unsigned Total memory wasted at the end of regions due to refill
directAllocated long Unsigned Total memory allocated using direct allocation outside of PLABs
failureUsed long Unsigned Total memory occupied by objects in regions where evacuation failed
failureWaste long Unsigned Total memory left unused in regions where evacuation failed

G1HeapRegionType Type

Label: G1 Heap Region Type

Name Type ContentType Description
type String

G1YCType Type

Label: G1 YC Type

Name Type ContentType Description
type String

GCCause Type

Label: GC Cause

Name Type ContentType Description
cause String

GCName Type

Label: GC Name

Name Type ContentType Description
name String

GCThresholdUpdater Type

Label: GC Threshold Updater

Name Type ContentType Description
updater String

GCWhen Type

Label: GC When

Name Type ContentType Description
when String

InflateCause Type

Label: Inflation Cause

Name Type ContentType Description
cause String

MetadataType Type

Label: Metadata Type

Name Type ContentType Description
type String

MetaspaceObjectType Type

Label: Metaspace Object Type

Name Type ContentType Description
type String

MetaspaceSizes Type


Name Type ContentType Description
committed long Unsigned Committed memory for this space
used long Unsigned Bytes allocated by objects in the space
reserved long Unsigned Reserved memory for this space

Method Type

Label: Java Method

Name Type ContentType Description
type Class
name String
descriptor String
modifiers int
hidden boolean

Module Type

Label: Module

Name Type ContentType Description
name String
version String
location String
classLoader ClassLoader

NarrowOopMode Type

Label: Narrow Oop Mode

Name Type ContentType Description
mode String

NetworkInterfaceName Type

Label: Network Interface

Name Type ContentType Description
networkInterface String Network Interface Name

ObjectSpace Type


Name Type ContentType Description
start long Unsigned Start address of the space
end long Unsigned End address of the space
used long Unsigned Bytes allocated by objects in the space
size long Unsigned Size of the space

OldObject Type

Label: Old Object

Name Type ContentType Description
address long Unsigned
type Class
description String Object description
referrer Reference Object referencing this object

OldObjectArray Type

Label: Old Object Array

Name Type ContentType Description
size int Size of array
index int Index in the array

OldObjectField Type

Label: Old Object Field

Name Type ContentType Description
name String Name of field
modifiers short Field modifiers

OldObjectGcRoot Type

Label: GC Root

Name Type ContentType Description
description String Root information
system String The subsystem of origin for the root
type String The root type

OldObjectRootSystem Type

Label: GC Root System

Name Type ContentType Description
system String

OldObjectRootType Type

Label: GC Root Type

Name Type ContentType Description
type String

Package Type

Label: Package

Name Type ContentType Description
name String
module Module
exported boolean

Reference Type

Label: Reference

Name Type ContentType Description
array OldObjectArray Array or null if it is not an array
field OldObjectField Field or null if it is an array
object OldObject Object holder for this reference
skip int The object is this many hops away

ReferenceType Type

Label: Reference Type

Name Type ContentType Description
type String

ShenandoahHeapRegionState Type

Label: Shenandoah Heap Region State

Name Type ContentType Description
state String

StackFrame Type


Name Type ContentType Description
method Method
lineNumber int
bytecodeIndex int
type String

StackTrace Type

Label: Stacktrace

Name Type ContentType Description
truncated boolean
frames StackFrame

Symbol Type

Label: Symbol

Name Type ContentType Description
string String

ThreadGroup Type

Label: Thread Group

Name Type ContentType Description
parent ThreadGroup
name String

ThreadState Type

Label: Java Thread State

Name Type ContentType Description
name String

VMOperationType Type

Label: VM Operation Type

Name Type ContentType Description
type String

VirtualSpace Type


Name Type ContentType Description
start long Unsigned Start address of the virtual space
committedEnd long Unsigned End address of the committed memory for the virtual space
committedSize long Unsigned Size of the committed memory for the virtual space
reservedEnd long Unsigned End address of the reserved memory for the virtual space
reservedSize long Unsigned Size of the reserved memory for the virtual space

ZPageTypeType Type

Label: Z Page Type

Name Type ContentType Description
type String

ZStatisticsCounterType Type

Label: Z Statistics Counter

Name Type ContentType Description
counter String

ZStatisticsSamplerType Type

Label: Z Statistics Sampler

Name Type ContentType Description
sampler String
